Contribution up to now
163.947,10 €
Films which question prevailing ideas and cast a wary eye on the fingers of those in power can hardly be made today using traditional financing. Editors who wish to get such films shown on their TV channels require tremendous courage. We have experienced that this courage grows when they are not left on their own. When the many people who are interested in such a public interest film take on the responsibility and become promoters of the film project. The last couple of films by Leslie Franke and Herdolor Lorenz have shown that interested citizens must first create a foundation with their subsidies, and if necessary create the whole edifice.
Sold City is being produced as a “film from below” – financed by those who wish to see it and show it. The makers’ previous films, such as Marketable People, Who’s Saving Whom? and Water Makes Money, have shown how it is possible to influence thinking through education and mobilization.
Which is why we call on you: Help us to make this film happen.
Invest in the film Sold City and help to secure a part of your future.
With a donation you can be a promoter of the film. From us the filmmakers you will not receive anything in return for your money, however:
- from 20 € onwards the association "Common property in citizen's hand" has kindly agreed to send you a copy of the film as a DVD with a license for non-commercial screening.
- From 100 € onwards If you so wish, your name will be listed in the final credits.
- From 1000 € onwards , you will be invited to the film’s premiere as a guest of honour.
The financial contributions are considered as a donation and are thus not tax exempt. You will not receive a donation receipt. In the case of donations above 1000 €, it is possible to declare the payment as a loan, which would be repayable from the revenue over and above the calculated cost of the film.
160.000 EURO by 31.10.2023
is the foundation of the “film from below“ which the film should achieve.
The calculated costs should and can be reduced by different forms of solidarity. Some ideas that have already saved many tens of thousands for the films Marketable People, Water Makes Money and Who’s Saving Whom?: Supporters can offer accommodation for the film crew, people with knowledge of other languages provide translations, experienced camera persons supply footage of current events in their countries, etc. We look forward to your suggestions!
As mentioned above, the many hundred funders will only have to establish the foundations of the finances for the film. When this has been achieved, there is hope that trusts, TV channels or public film funding institutions will also get involved.
Just like with our other projects, we believe in the following guidelines: we try to give a fair remuneration for all work, but also have to rely on voluntary support. We are therefore glad if some waive their fees. Helpers short of finances and with no other income are prioritised as regards payment. We also decide according to finances what examples from which countries can be included in the film.
The first signatories of the appeal include: Rob Quirk, Homi Kutar, Thomas Eischer,FLOR DIEZ HURTADO, Medienpädagogik-Zentrum Hamburg e.V., Brenda Kamleiter, RAIMUND THUM, Dr. Percy Adrian Vogel, ALLMENDE STETTEN E.V., Egbert und Baerbel Gloeser, BERND TRETE UND GUNDULA ANN ETT TRETE, DOROTHEA SEITZ, BERLINER MIETERGEMEINSCHAFT, Dr. Herbert Schneider, Christa Scholtissek, Wolfgang Lederer-Kanawin und Michaela Kanawin, Hofmann, Tobias, Lea Rosenbusch, Andrea Roscher-Muruchi,Lukas Kriegler, Monika Sonntag, SIGRID BABENDREIER, Diakonisches Werk Bremen e.V. - Aktionsbundnis Menschrecht auf Wohnen, JÜRGEN SEEGER, WALTER LAFORSCH, Barbara Allame, Blanca Murillo, Detlev und Regine von Larcher, Frank Hoppe, Gerhold Reitmeier, Gudrun Arndt, Hans-Jürgen Brandt, Heide Janicki, Klaus Freudenberg, Kurt Hildebrand, Michael Hilgers, Peter Rossmann, Schulzebeer, Andreas Bieber, Andreas Rohrmann, Anja Henke, Beate Tyron, Bernd Dieter van Look, Buchholz, Hans-Joachim, Carina Madeleine Lorenz, Carsten Vocke, charlotte bindewald, Christoph Lorenz, Dennis Raschke, Dennis Raschke, Donatus Karl Heinz Maria Nohr, Doris Winkeler, Dr. Christian Schnabel, Dr. Hans Ulrich Fischer, Dr. Johannes Fiala, Eberhard Sprenger, Engelbert Michel, Gerhard Juettner, Hans Markus Gehring, Inge Höger, Jochen keller, Johann Hauber, Jörg Karl Borchardt, Michaela Mogler, Peter Biebricher, Peter Jattke, Peter und Christine Klemm, Peter Weißenfeld und Wiltrud Brächter, Phillip Liedke, Sander Fuchs, Sonja Tesch, Stephan Berger, Stephan Sautter, Susanne Greiner, Tilmann Bulling, Tyron, Beate, William Beittel, Wolfgang und Anneliese Weidtmann, Andreas Springer-Kiess, ANNE KRISTINA SCHULZE-ALLEN, Christel Spenn, Corina Schmidt, Curt Schmidt, Daniela Jakob, DARIJUSCH WIRTH, David Kiesl, DIRK SCHRÖDER, Dr. Folkhard Cremer, Efstathios Karasarlidis, Friederike Rued, Hans Hinrich Norden, HEBEL LISELOTTE, Hubenthal, Heidrun, Irene Trenkel, Julius Verrel, Kira von Bernuth, Klevenhusen, Nina o. Arne, Margarethe-Barbara Fidorra, Mittermayr Heinz und Verena, Reinhold Brunner od. Maria Kalantzi, Sonja Alphonso, THOMAS DIETZEL, Thomas Gerlesberger, THOMAS NUBER, Wolfgang Meyer, Joachim Kappl, Stephan Abel, Christiane Baier, Pascal Güßmann